Web platform for a education course retailer

Project Scope

This web platform was developed for education course retailer in the netherlands with the goal of providing information about the courses available in multiple education retailers.

In addition to being the online catalog for the courses available in multiple retailers, the web platform was also responsible for enabling CMS management of the information displayed on the web pages for each retailer and communicating with internal systems do dynamically provide accurate information about pricing and enrollment possibilities.

Technology Stack

This web platform was developed using .Net Core and Vue.js, leveraging a Kentico CMS and multiple Azure cloud products, such as Service Fabric, Storage and Search services among others.


In this project I had the opportunity of being part of an Agile development lifecycle, delivering incremental improvements/features to the platform.

As a developer I was able to work across all layers of the application being involved in the Vue.js front-end app as well as the multiple back-end services and API's developed with the .Net Core stack.


This project was my first interaction with Vue.js and the Azure cloud services/infrastructure which in of itself was a fun challenge since it allowed me to learn both of these technologies on the job.

In addition to that the fact that most features developed had to be implemented in a way that would be generic enough to be usable across the multiple retailers that used the platform forced us to always rethink the first approach that was proposed in order to reach a more elegant and future proof solution.

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